As in all aspects of life, Martial Artists are also divided into two groups : A) Loyal Followers and, B) Innovative Leaders.
A) Those who follow and seek the prestige, power and patronage of A large and well established conservative organization (International Corporation*), view themselves as the unquestionable vanguards of Karate-do, displaying an elitist attitude, towards smaller styles and their curriculum. Any fresh idea is viewed with disdain and utter contempt . They insist on absolute adherence to the 'letter' of the 'so called traditions' and admonish those who stray from the ''Line''. Theses entities operate much like organized religious groups [with A large public relations staff : ''Repeaters'' co-managing public perceptions of KARATE] and any deviation is met with severe reaction. Great emphasis is placed upon Certification, Competition, Trophies and Hierarchical Protocol. [Majority]
* Karate as 'Corporate Commodity' (Public Image is the Product).
B) Leaders, are usually Progressive in nature and refuse to accept the so called "status-quo". They value creativity and change. Their sense of pragmatism and willingness for experimentation, puts them in opposition with the zealot 'Traditionalists'. The Leaders will encounter opposition and ridicule whilst they are alive, and overt criticism, character attacks and degradation upon their passing. They are often regarded as outsiders by ''establishment karate'', and their contributions are not fully and seriously recognized. This group is often labeled as flashy, accused of being illegitimate and of lacking the proper lineage and credentials. [Minority]
There are Seven (7) distinct personalities within the "Kara-Te" World. The criterion
Before : (China Hand) KARATE [1936] After : (Empty Hand) KARATE
(Karate Lineage and Origins : Roots & Styles)
This is is how the Corporate International Karate Organizations market themselves : The KEEPERS* of KARATE'S HIGHEST TRADITION. MOST AUTHORITATIVE and LARGEST KARATE Body.
This kind of elitist attitude and self promotion, is A betrayal of Bushido spirit, and diminishes badly needed cohesion and unification within Bujutsu Organizations.
(Repetition of Elitist Images : Controlled Separatist Distinction)
This is an example of what is 'repeated', over and over again. To those without clear sense of discernment, and the younger generation of Karate-do, it is construed as only these [4] styles are legitimate and approved by An International body. These kind of gestures are : Elitist, Divisive and Arrogant, and do not serve the greater good in Martial Arts. They are repeated unwittingly and without much thought, as to their intentions and hidden (covert) meanings. These efforts are erroneous and ego-centered, and have nothing to do with Karate-do and the spirit of Bushido.
The Role of POLITICS and MONEY in International Organized Karate.
[*per Entry on Official Corporate Website]
Basic Way of Punching in Karate is A 'Chinese' invention that has not changed or modified in "Kara-Te", since its inception. In Okinawan Styles, the punch is generally chambered near the armpit, but in Japanese Karate Styles, the punch is chambered close to the waist (belt 'OBI' level)

1) CONSERVATIVE RELIGIOUS Approaches the Martial practice as if it is A religion and combines practice with A literal display of Creator-infused super powers. To this type of Martial Artist, the fighting skill (practice) is A gift bestowed by An omnipotent power, for the preservation of all that is good. High Ritual is infused in all aspects of the Karate transmission. Specialized Uniforms with religious symbols and abundant quotes with explicit references from holy scriptures. This type sees no contradiction in the underlying Zen and Shinto beliefs, which are present in basic fundamentals of Budo teachings, and their particular beliefs and practices.
2) UNCOMPROMISING TRADITIONALIST (Believes his/her style is the only Legitimate practice, irregardless of Origins and History of Fighting Arts. Consider themselves Sole Authority on all things Budo, and in particular Karate***. There are many "Repeaters" within these affiliations, who keep repeating the propaganda {Consciously or subconsciously} and disinformation [Perception Management] with the aim of maintaining sovereignty, on top of the Karate Pyramid and controlling public opinion regarding Approved & Sanctioned Karate-do, perpetuating such myths as : only 4 major styles, recognized by International bodies; also Karate is A Japanese Bujutsu, along with Kendo, Judo, Kyudo, etc.) These claims and falsities are never challenged and new generation of Karatekas and the public accept and unwittingly repeat them.
Judo and Japanese Karate have A lot in common in their basic construction. Judo's two person techniques : culminating in "Kime-No-Kata" are good indication of this distinction. At Dan Level, there is kicking and striking. "Idori Waza" (Seated Techniques), and "Tachi-Ai Waza" (Standing techniques), run parallel to Karate standards.
*** Most so called traditional Karate styles (Japanese Sport Oriented) were created around World War II, and A majority are even newer than that. The ranking and organizational Karate system borrowed heavily from Jigoro Kano's***'Ko-do-kan' Ju-do [Chinese Kenpo/White Crane Gung-Fu/Udun-Tii/Okinawan Toudi styles obviously, predate these styles and organizations].
"Just because something is traditional . It is no reason to do it !
PROGRESSIVE PRAGMATIST (Concentrates solely on the practicality of Combat and practice of Techniques that work in real battle situations). Interested in effectiveness of movement and open to Trial and Error, and discarding of impractical and superfluous teachings and techniques. Generally has no hesitation in abandoning anything that is not effective in Close Quarters Combat and adding practical approaches from other disciplines tested in the ring, and/or in actual fighting.

4)NIPPONOPHILE Worships all things Oriental (mainly Japanese), and only expresses things in "Budo"(Karate) terminology. Adopts attire, eating habits, behavior and decorations, saturated with Japanese calligraphy, and often copies techniques and mannerism of renowned Teachers of Karate( Martial Arts). His respect and adoration is mainly reserved for mainstream Japanese Teachers. This type is only superficially imbued in Karate and usually lacks depth and true understanding of Budo and spiritual aspects of the Art. His/ her interest is dedicated to emulating 'Sensei Image' aspect of Karate, embracing only what is perceived to be A karate teacher ( generally teaches in an ego centered environment), dedicated to A karate body devoid of A Bushido soul. This type has difficulty being A student, therefore makes a poor teacher.
" Instead of being concerned that you have no office, be concerned to think how you may fit yourself for office. Instead of being concerned that you are not known, see to it that you are worth being known. " [Confucius]
5) ECLECTIC IDEALIST [NON-CONFORMIST] (Stands on his/her own and teaches in obscurity, not preoccupied with fame or money). Has no interest in Approval from An International sanctioning Body, seeking instead legitimacy in his/her own way of presenting and preserving Karate teachings. Not particularly interested in Rank, Recognition or Diplomas. His/ Her legitimacy lies in his time tested abilities and satisfaction, derived from able and proficient students. He does not seek approval from A large Karate body, nor does he cater to other martial artists opinions. Instead he/she develops life-long relationships and fosters sociable and humble martial spirit amongst his students and peers. This type is motivated by sincere belief in physical and mental benefits of karate-do and is inherently altruistic\spiritual in nature. He generally does not need to be A part of A large Authoritarian Organization, or wear A standard belt and uniform, approved by A governing body.
BUJUTSU : Innovators & Rebel Leaders
CHARISMATIC [GOD COMPLEX] ICON Narcissistic (Megalomaniac) Sociopath, demanding absolute subservience, fervent loyalty and unquestioned (monetary) commitment from their students. This type of personality is reminiscent of A cult leader; demanding total obedience and unconditional submission of their followers. The attention of these Martial Arts entities, is focused on the Leader rather than the Organization (the same), or the Curriculum itself. He/She generally emphasizes his name ahead of the Style or Affiliation. "My way or the Highway" attitude. This type is extremely abusive and when confronted will act violently towards their students and employees. Any challenges to this type will be construed as betrayal, and the perceived culprit will be severely punished and shunned by the rest of the group. Paranoia and mistrust is highly demonstrative of these individuals and criticism of any kind would result in violent retaliation.
7) BALANCED**PRACTITIONER (A Sensei that embodies Balanced Spirituality and Impeccable martial prowess. Open-minded, tolerant and sincere in practice of his/her Martial Arts. Believes that "THERE ARE AS MANY STYLES AS THERE ARE PRACTITIONERS". A True Martial Artist, living within the tenets of "Bushido" and behaves in A way, that does not bring disgrace to himself or his Art). This Type serves as A 'Role Model' and embodies all the good qualities that are universally expected of A True student of the (Karate) Way. Possessing True Wisdom : **'ACTION and WORDS are in CONGRUENCY'
Ships in the harbor are safe,
But that is not what they are made for . . .